Jun 19, 2024
Frizz and Bob wrap up Pride Month by covering 8 of our favorite Pride anthems with a story to tell. Join us with another Old Fo from Whiskey Row as we venture on a musical journey from the 1920s to today, digging into everything from blues and jazz, to Broadway and metal, pop and glam, and ultimately PRIDE!
Jun 12, 2024
Frizz and Bob continue Pride Month celebrations with Tracy Chapman's revolutionary self-titled debut album and Old Fo's 1920. Join us as we learn about the humble and remarkable story of Tracy Chapman, how the future head of Six Flags helped her along the way, what Stevie Wonder and Nelson Mandela had to do with the...
Jun 5, 2024
Frizz and Bob pop open a bottle of Old Forester 1910 and kick off Pride Month with the remarkable story you've probably never heard, about transgender jazz pianist Billy Tipton. Join us as we dig into a story of true heart and courage as we appreciate the tremendous untold journey of a pioneer.